OprahMag.com Editor Discovers her Writing Roots

I was invited to work with an editor from Oprah's online magazine earlier this year. This young woman was feeling challenged with her recent move from small town Georgia to life in New York City. She also wanted to build her confidence in her abilities as a writer. I enjoyed a lovely weekend in New York visiting family, and conducting an in-person session for her at the beautiful Hearst Tower, the first 'green' office high-rise to be built in NY City.

As sometimes happens for people, her first session ended up focusing on some unfinished current-life business. She had never done any counseling work on her relationship with her father, now deceased, with whom she had very little contact in her childhood. We were able to do some deep release of anger, sadness, and guilt which she had been carrying.

We planned our next session as a remote, online experience. She went successfully into a prior lifetime. I continue to be so grateful to the client in London who convinced me to try a remote session those many years ago, it has opened this work to people all over the world.

Our editor writes about her experience finding herself as a successful writer in a small town venue, in this article which appeared in OprahMag.com:


It has been my observation recently that I am seeing a slight increase in the percentage of clients who have some significant current life issues that need to be addressed before they can go past life. Fortunately, with my solid foundation as a conventional psychotherapist, I'm equipped to work on that level as well. I have been incorporating more energy healing work in my sessions of late, and am finding that we can move through current-life issues much more quickly.

I'm beginning work on a new book which will focus on spiritual messages that come through for clients and in my own personal work. In the meantime, if you haven't read The Past Life Perspective, and would like to enjoy fascinating stories from clients who have resolved issues and explored their spirituality through past life work, just go to the Products drop down for ordering information.

Ann Barham, CRTComment