What do the Civil War and Being Buried Alive Have in Common?

A young man who had just graduated from law school asked for a past life session "just to explore." This kind of session is always fun for me, since we have no idea what direction it might go.

The regression takes this client to the life of a farmer in the mid-1800s in rural Tennessee (USA).  He had a simple life of hard work and a strong, loving relationship with his wife and small daughter.  This was threatened when he was called up to fight on the Union side of the Civil War.  He survived a gruesome couple of years unscathed physically, but totally taken aback at the act of killing so many men. Nonetheless, he was able to return to him home and family, to complete a simple but productive life full of happiness.  

As we processed the lifetime after the death, it became clear that the point of that life wasn't about the Civil War experience.  The client was told by a spiritual figure that appeared to be Jesus, 'you did what you had to do in the war, it's over and it's OK, you can let it go'.  The key lessons from the prior lifetime had to do with being proud of your accomplishments from hard work, being compassionate and looking out for those you love, and living with as much happiness as possible.  'There will be things you won't feel good about in this life too,' he was advised, 'don't wait until the end of your life to let it go.'    

Following a similar theme, another male client sought relief from the panic he felt whenever physically restrained.  Sitting strapped into a roller coaster seat was even a serious challenge for him.  He also went to the mid-1800s, this time in North Carolina (USA), where as a young boy he was frequently forced into a coffin box when his caretaker wanted a break from him.  One final time, the man actually buried the box.  The boy was able to survive by transforming his fear to anger, mobilizing his strength, and freeing himself.  We find him later in life happily married and a loving father to his own children. He returns to the site of the cabin where he was raised in his mid-20s as a ritual of closure on that aspect of his life.

The lessons that emerged from this memory were that it is possible to have a good life despite early trauma; one can overcome a cold, uncaring upbringing and build a happy life.  Again the message of finding closure by letting negative experience go so it does not flavor the rest of your life was fundamental - a lesson that many of us can benefit from.  This latter client and I did additional processing to calm the abused child identity from the prior lifetime, to assure him that he is now safe and free.

I look forward to a report of panic-free roller coaster rides!