A reporter describes her past life session

Beauty News article

One of the many editors I worked with while in New York City at the end of July has just posted her description of and reflections on her past life session with me.  Although she had to leave out significant portions of the story, she did a pretty good job of summing up the experience.  Check the link above to read her account.  Her prior personality started out as a court jester in a medieval castle, and ended up a hermit on the coast of Scotland, with many years in between on the open seas.  There were some significant realizations for her about the direction she was going in her current life and ways in which she might want to self-correct.

One comment I would like to make on her reporting concerns her comment that she was not '100% hypnotized.'  We work along a continuum of consciousness, and there is no good way to determine that you're 90% hypnotized versus 100%.  The fact that clients bring up these past life memories while still oriented to the current time and space actually brings more credence to them than otherwise.  If a client is deeply hypnotized he or she would be much more susceptible to suggestion from the therapist.

Nonetheless, it's an interesting article worth a few minutes to read.  And who would have thought an article on past life therapy would appear in Beauty News NYC?



Ann Barham, CRTComment